God of faith,
Hear the deepest prayer of our hearts,
for a child to be ours.
Help us to believe –
even when we wrestle with doubt,
even when months pass empty,
even when darkness threatens our joy –
that your promise of love for us
remains faithful, good, and true.
God of hope,
Hold our dreams for a child
within your loving hands.
Fill our hearts with hope,
and lift our eyes to look to you.
When worries creep into our thoughts,
let your light cast out every fear.
God of love,
Help us to trust when times get trying,
that this journey will bring us closer to you,
no matter where our road turns or ends.
Bless our dreams for a family,
and draw us deeper in love together
as we wait in joyful hope
for a child to welcome with love.
God of faith and hope and love,
let your will be done.