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5:00 am 7:00 am

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5:00 am 7:00 am



Loving & Living a Lifted Life? Excellent!

Lifted Life is funded wholly by donations. In order to cover our running costs, we would ask you to support our work with a small donation. In these days of the pandemic, and post-pandemic, there are many families who are hungry. We support organizations that are providing them with a hot meal, blankets, and clothing. Your gift helps this work to continue.

Please accept our love and thanks for your continued support. Stay safe, stay blessed, stay Lifted!

Another easy way to make a donation, you can send your donation directly to our bank account:
Bank Name: Lloyds Bank plc
A/c Name: Lifted Life Charity Account
A/c No: 70577668
Sort Code: 30-96-26